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  • Time’s Up UK

    CIISA Appoints Baroness Helena Kennedy as it’s Chair

    The Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority, CIISA, is proud to announce that one of Britain’s most distinguished lawyers, Baroness Helena Kennedy, has been appointed as its Chair.

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British Talent Call On Creative Industry To Make Final Commitment To CIISA, The New Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority Being Built To Keep Our Workforce Safe

We are calling on you to make your final commitment to the creation of CIISA, the new independent standards authority designed to keep our creative industries safe and to secure your support to this essential part of the ecosystem that is currently missing. The full financial ask is now out, and so we ask you finally to turn this idea into reality.

Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority

“We believe that the establishment of an independent body to uphold and improve behaviour across the creative industries, a Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (CIISA), is an essential next step in creating safe working environments that will benefit the whole production community.”

Barbara Broccoli and Dame Heather Rabbatts, co-founders, Time’s Up UK

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